Our site has been designed to be accessible to those with any degree of visual or motor impairment and users of screen readers.  Instructions on making appropriate adjustments to the text size in your browser are included below:

Microsoft Edge & Internet Explorer

Go to the ‘View’ tab in the toolbar, select ‘Text Size’ and choose the desired option.


Go to the ‘View’ tab in the toolbar, select ‘Text Zoom’ and choose the desired font size.

Mozilla Firefox

Go to the ‘View’ tab in the toolbar, select ‘Text Zoom’ and choose the desired font size.


Press ‘command’ and ‘+’ to increase font size or choose ‘View’ and make the text bigger from the menu.

“I had never purchased a property before and was guided through the whole process expertly and professionally. … I felt absolutely confident that [they] would keep me informed of what was going on, progress matters swiftly, and that fundamentally [they] could be entrusted with carrying out the biggest purchase of my life to date.”

- RC